So, with all the stuff going on last week a blog was out of the question but I believe all events were successful and enjoyed by those who were well enough to attend. The bar was supported by volunteers due to the sudden illness of poor Richard, thanks to all that assisted during the festivities especially Ted whose attendance for the dray , behind the bar, obtaining supplies from the wholesalers and pastries that can only be described as the perpetrators for making so much mess was more than extremely helpful.
Chris T birthday bash was again another blinding success with him very kindly providing food and drinks. Members and his personal guests made donations and he raised a total of £240 which will go to Wrabness Church so well done there.
The Christmas draw also went well as per the previous note, the list of winners has also been circulated and put on the board and all prizes await winner’s collection please during bar opening hours.
There are to be some super strong winds and tides forecast for the next week so anybody with boats still on moorings please be prepared to keep an eye out on them should they not have checked thier lines and tackle recently.
There also remains in the compound some unclaimed and unmarked canoes in the compound these boats should also be able to be identified with either the members name or members number on the craft please. Should you own one of these please contact Gus the Compound Manager.
New members for December are as follows
Robert McGinlay, Conner McGinlay and Grace Firman. Welcome to them all, to share their first Christmas and they are very much excited about being members of our very popular sailing club.
It’s intended that the rowers will go out on 31st Dec for the traditional mulled wine and mince pie further down river, any one with other craft that wishes to meet up and join them please contact Keith Paxman for times and details.
Due to the retirement of our sailing secretary and no one has come forward for filling of the post, we have decided to split the responsibility between racing and cruising of which David Lodge has volunteered to undertake the cruising position role. Anyone interested or wishes to propose any trips please contact David who is currently putting a proposed program together for 2024 trips. The Racing side still awaits somebody to come forward who can take on board the organisation and OOD qualities for the racing program for micro racing and assist on the longer distance racing events, if this could be you please contact me or any committee members that we can discuss the responsibilities and assist in getting you interested on taking on this role.
The bar opens Friday night as normal, with Big Will L as the host with his never-ending bag of Will’s cheesy nibblets from 6pm
Last but not least the club will be open to members and their guests on New Years Eve Sunday from 8 pm . Richard M will be hosting the bar there could be a few finger bits provided to complement the vast array of beverages that the bar now portrays, more to follow over the weekend where I’m sure we can make it happen if it isn’t at the moment to make it a very enjoyable evening for the close of 2023.

Wishing you all a very Happy new year for 2024 and see you all at some point really soon.
Best wishes for now to stay safe and well

Commodore Colin