The Bar Is Open Tonight

Come along from 7pm onwards and support our volunteers who take the time to man the bar in the clubhouse.

The Bar Is Open Tomorrow Night

It is the mussel evening tomorrow night (full house) but the bar is open to all.  Do come along and take advantage of a Saturday night opening.

Cake and Coffee

I am very pleased to say that we have a Cake and Coffee Team now looking after this very popular monthly event.  The Team is going to be led by Sue Mather and if anyone who she has not already contacted wants to be added to her list of helpers please get in touch by texting 07701080738.  The next Cake and Coffee will be on April 20th and all proceeds will go towards the Ukrainian Crisis Appeal so please come along.


The Club website is constantly being worked on and is a mine of information – check it out on

Do Your Bit For This Club

Do you want to get involved in supporting the Club and the many activities it provides?  Do you have any ideas for improvements, changes, new initiatives, then come forward and get involved?   Please contact me on or ring/text 07958568588

Standing by!
Kind Regards
Colin G