On Sunday 11 August 2024 Neptune will once again be visiting Manningtree to make sure that there is plenty of Mud for the Tug of War and Race across the River, and enough sand for the Children’s Beach Takeover.  Then very importantly he has to stay and make sure that the tide comes in in the afternoon for all of the activities on the water.

Race Across the River

On Sunday 11 August the traditional race across the river will once again take place as our first event of the morning starting at around 10:30am.

It does not look too far, just down the Hard, through the water in the channel which remains at low water, round a moored boat and back to greet Neptune on the Hard again.  It is deceptively tough as the water and the mud add an extra  level of difficulty.

There are races for men, women and under 16’s – so get training now!

Please read the simple safety rules for the race:

Race across the River Rules 2024

Tug of War

The Tug of War in the mud is a local tradition with the honours fiercely contested Teams from by local businesses and community organisations. The competition is overseen by Neptune and takes place across the Hard in front of the Sailing Club with the pulling teams on either side of the Hard.

There is a competition for both Women’s and Men’s Teams

As the competition progresses the Teams  inevitably get drawn deeper and deeper in to the Mud, and the mud makes it difficult to move or to get a grip on the rope!

The Date : Sunday 11 August 2024

The time: following the races across the River which start at around 10:30 am

The Place: Manningtree Mud

Duration: as long as it takes for a Team to win the final pull.

There are some simple rules for safety reasons: Regatta Tug of War Rules 2024

And Entries before the Day are welcomed: Tug of War entry form 2024

Children’s Beach Takeover

While the adults are playing in the mud the real action of the day takes place on the Beach with the Children’s Beach Takeover from 10:30 am

It is a fun packed session of children’s games and activities on and in the sand (with maybe just a bit of water if the weather is kind). The event traditionally ends with the Children’s  Tug of War, when we if are lucky the winning Tug of War in the mud Teams will rise to the challenge and take on the Children. Somehow the Children usually win – will that be the case this year?

As well as the games on the Beach we are delighted that Libby will be joining us from 11am-4pm (approx.), with story sessions  and a  range of seaside themed craft activities using sustainable and repurposed materials.

Children can get creative using their found treasures, help keep our beach and  sea healthy by being part of a beach clean or relax and listen to a seaside story (12:00, 1:30 & 3:00 approx.)